Ninjin Leather Factory



キャンプギア関連メーカー【snow peak(スノーピーク)】が好きで、スノーピークのギアを中心に紹介しているブログ「スノーピークが好き」を運営していますが、スノーピークギアに合わせた収納ケースや普段使いできるカードケース等を製作、販売しています。

I like the camping gear related maker [Snow Peak], and I run a blog "I like Snow Peak" that mainly introduces Snow Peak gear.

カテゴリー Category

お買い物 Shopping




I also manufacture and sell storage cases that match Snow Peak gear and card cases that can be used in everyday life.
Items are sold at "Mercari", "creema" and "minne".

Here you can see a list of items for sale.
Mercari has registered what you have created, so you can ship it immediately.
On the other hand, creema and minne are made to order, so if you want a freshly made item, please purchase from here.

There are sites that carry out campaigns such as point back, so I would be grateful if you could purchase from your favorite site.